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Representation of react-native-modal props. All props except isVisible and children from:



  • IModalProps



Optional animationIn

animationIn: AnimationConfig

Optional animationInTiming

animationInTiming: undefined | number

Optional animationOut

animationOut: AnimationConfig

Optional animationOutTiming

animationOutTiming: undefined | number

Optional avoidKeyboard

avoidKeyboard: undefined | false | true

Optional backdropColor

backdropColor: undefined | string

Optional backdropOpacity

backdropOpacity: undefined | number

Optional backdropTransitionInTiming

backdropTransitionInTiming: undefined | number

Optional backdropTransitionOutTiming

backdropTransitionOutTiming: undefined | number

Optional deviceHeight

deviceHeight: undefined | number

Optional deviceWidth

deviceWidth: undefined | number

Optional hardwareAccelerated

hardwareAccelerated: undefined | false | true

Optional hideModalContentWhileAnimating

hideModalContentWhileAnimating: undefined | false | true

Optional onBackButtonPress

onBackButtonPress: undefined | function

Optional onBackdropPress

onBackdropPress: undefined | function

Optional onDismiss

onDismiss: undefined | function

Optional onModalHide

onModalHide: undefined | function

Optional onModalShow

onModalShow: undefined | function

Optional onOrientationChange

onOrientationChange: undefined | function

Optional onShow

onShow: undefined | function

Optional onSwipe

onSwipe: undefined | function

Optional presentationStyle

presentationStyle: "fullScreen" | "pageSheet" | "formSheet" | "overFullScreen"

Optional scrollOffset

scrollOffset: undefined | number

Optional scrollOffsetMax

scrollOffsetMax: undefined | number

Optional scrollTo

scrollTo: undefined | function

Optional style

style: StyleProp<ViewStyle>

Optional supportedOrientations

supportedOrientations: Orientation[]

Optional swipeDirection

swipeDirection: "up" | "down" | "left" | "right"

Optional swipeThreshold

swipeThreshold: undefined | number

Optional useNativeDriver

useNativeDriver: undefined | false | true